Denis Deletrac on Freightened, Kyla Sankey on Colombia, David Christopher on Save our Security

W2MEDIA.ORG  |  Media Mornings independent Canadian news hour on Vancouver Co-op Radio 100.5 fm


To hear the podcast on a mobile device or listen LIVE during the show 7-8am PST

TODAY’S SHOW Host: Irwin Oostindie @DutchPhoto

starts at 03:00 with introduction

02:00 Intro

4:15 Weather warnings & news headlines:

20:45-36:45 Colombian Peace Deal


Kyla Sankey, Jacobin Writer & Activist. The people of Colombia are in an anxious state after a historic referendum resulted in a jarring win for right-wing opponents of peace. The peace deal was arrived at after four years of hard negotiations between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC-EP, and the administration of President Juan Manel Santos, yet it hinged on the approval by a majority of Colombians, who ultimately said “No” to ending a 52-year war that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced approximately six million people.

Films and social subjects

37:00-48:00 Denis Deletrac, Director, FREIGHTENED


Celebrated documentarian Denis Delestrac returns with an intrepid investigation into the myriad economic and environmental ramifications of water-borne cargo shipping. Freighters may have become seemingly innocuous fixtures in Vancouver’s waters, but the inner workings of the industry remain shrouded in secrecy. Given that 90% of everything we consume arrives via ship, this is essential viewing for us all.

90% of everything we consume comes by ship watch @freightfilm to find out more #ImNotFreightened and to learn what you can do here’s the film’s action links.

Encore screening at VIFF 17 October 2016 6:30 PM, Vancity Theatre

48:20-52:00 Snowden

Film by Oliver Stone, a must-see Hollywood dramatization of this vital story about democracy and surveillance. Running at Scotia Bank Cinema on Burrard. Check out this featurette (5min).


52:00 The Accountant

Opening today, introduces autism to the Hollywood action film market. Trailer (2min)


55:00-59:00 David Christopher, Open Media

open-media campaign preview.

When the government passed Bill C-51, they weakened the privacy rules that keep us all safe. The new government says it wants to do better, and is asking Canadians for their views in a Consultation on National Security.

Use the (above website) tool below to give your views on Public Safety Canada’s consultation and ensure any resulting legislation is pro-privacy and repeals Bill C-51. When you click each answer box, suggested talking points will appear. Click each one to help build your answer.



1) Mariachi Night at the Russian Hall, Friday, October 14

2) Vancouver in the Seventies book launch, Fox Theatre.

3) Ethel Rosenberg Killing:  Tune in to 60 Minutes this Sunday, October 16th, at 7:00 pm ET/PT on CBS, to see their story examining the Rosenberg case. (If delayed by NFL football, the program will air immediately following the game.) Filmed in the wake of groundbreaking new evidence indicating Ethel was not a spy and her execution was wrongful, the report features interviews with Rosenberg sons Robert and Michael Meeropol and others. It explores Ethel and Julius Rosenberg’s controversial trial and execution for the so-called “crime of the century.”  If you’re unable to watch live, the segment will be available on the 60 Minutes website shortly after the broadcast.

4)  Cultural Conflation exhibition,  Oct 14, 7-9pm Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond



  1. A new Edward Snowden?  Real News clip on former whistleblower William Binney says the arrest of Harold Thomas Martin could be tied to the August release of NSA source-code.
  2. Rick Mercer – Donald Trump lessons for Canada’s NDP and Conservative leadership contests
  3. Kalilah Rampanen, 16 years old, sings her new song “Hey Mister Suit and Tie”
  4. #StandWithStandingRock / Sundance Film Festival presents new video: “For those of us who are media makers, filmmakers, storytellers — and have been a part of the Standing Rock camp — we can only hope that our medium contributes to the countenance of these events.” – Heather Rae, director ‘Trudell.’ To learn more about how filmmakers are responding:  #nodapl #waterislife #StandWithStandingRock

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